
Hey, hey, hey! I know it's been ages since my last post but I was with my final exams and I didn't have anything to talk about.
But today, here I am, I'm back!!!!!

As I said, I had my final exams that would decide where I would study next year and luckly, I did really good so I got admitted in the University I wanted. So when I finished my exams I knew it was time for a change and I decided to cut my hair but not just a little, at least 20cm because I wanted to donate it.

I did a little bit of research before taking the decision  and I found a Spanish association called "Mechones solidarios" that make wigs for women and girls with cancer. They don't sell them, they give them for free to the little girls and for the women, they do a special price when they reach a maximum of earnings (they pay just a 20% of the real price that variates between 600€-1500€) I tell you this because there are others associations that sell the wigs just cheaper and they don't give them for free not even in some special cases.

So this association has solidary hairdresses' which are the ones in charge of sending the hair to the wigs factory and I found that they had one in a little village near mine so I decided to go the same day I did my last exam.

And this was the process:

1. So this is exactly minutes before cutting my hair. 

I had really long hair and I had just had my hair cut the 
week before like 5cm just to have the ends healthy.

2. Once there, they measured my hair and make me decidehow much I wanted to donate. The 

minimum was 20 so I said: "okay, cut me more" and she did. 

3. I remember her telling me: "are you sure? there i
not coming back" I was really anxious because my 

long hair had been with me since I don't remember.
 It was going to be weird.

4. Yep, that's my hair. 30cm gone.
I felt like something was missing haha.
But I felt great. The hairdresser kept
 it and explained me what they do next.

5. And this is it. The big change. 


How did I feel or why did I do it? 

Well, I knew I wouldn't regret it if I did it because of a good reason so by knowing that just with a piece of my hair I was going to do the fight of a person just a little bit "easier" and give them confident I could never look back and think "I wish I hadn't have my hair cut"
Because it wasn't about looking great with shorter hair or with longer hair, it was about helping, helping all the warriors out there who each day fight for their lives and try to beat cancer. I admire you, warriors. And it makes me absolutely happy to know that I put my little grain of sand to try to help you. And I encourage every other person to think about it. Cut your hair and donate it, it costs  you nothing, it will grow again and by doing that you are showing your support and helping them. So please, at least consider it.

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